Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science: Volume 23 Issue 44 , Open Access


Table of contents

Determinantes y pronóstico de la actividad bursátil del mercado accionario colombiano

David Agudelo, Diego A. Agudelo, Julián Peláez

Se estudian los determinantes y la evolución de la actividad bursátil mensual en el mercado accionario colombiano de 2007 a 2016.


Estrategias competitivas y gestión deportiva: Una perspectiva de la Teoría Basada en Recursos aplicada al sector del fútbol

Julio Quispe, Jaime Rivera

Esta investigación utiliza la Teoría Basada en Recursos como base para un modelo que permite integrar las acciones organizacionales con las variables que pueden moderar, directa o…


Is gold a hedge or a safe haven? An application of ARDL approach

Mohammad Hassan Shakil, Is’haq Muhammad Mustapha, Mashiyat Tasnia, Buerhan Saiti

The argument whether gold is a hedge or haven is a debatable issue. Mainly, hedge is a class of asset that is negatively correlated with another asset or portfolio on average. On…


Is the health care price inflation in US urban areas stationary?: Evidence from panel unit root tests

Vasudeva Murthy, Albert Okunade

This study aims to investigate, for the first time in the literature, the stochastic properties of the US aggregate health-care price inflation rate series, using the data on…


Modeling and forecasting abnormal stock returns using the nonlinear Gray Bernoulli model

Bahar Doryab, Mahdi Salehi

This study aims to use gray models to predict abnormal stock returns.


Effects of institutional quality and the development of the banking system on corporate debt

Alvaro Edmundo Tresierra, Sergio David Reyes

This study aims to determine if the quality of national institutions and banking development condition the maturity of debt depending on the horizon of short or long term.

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  • Nestor U. Salcedo