Journal of Historical Research in Marketing: Volume 3 Issue 1


Table of contents - Special Issue: Honoring Donald F. Dixon

Guest Editors: Eric H. Shaw, Ian F. Wilkinson

Wroe Alderson's Marketing Behaviour and Executive Action inserted into Reavis Cox's marketing theory course at Wharton 50 years ago: A student's reaction

Donald F. Dixon

The purpose of the paper is to describe and evaluate the changes in the content of the marketing theory course at Wharton 50 years ago, taught by Reavis Cox, as a result of the…

Tipping point: the teaching of the Wharton marketing theory seminar 50 years ago

Ian F. Wilkinson

The purpose of this paper is to comment on the meaning and significance of the article by Don Dixon on the change in teaching of marketing theory at Wharton in 1955‐1957.


The timeless intellectual contributions of Donald F. Dixon

Robert D. Tamilia

The purpose of this paper is to present a review essay of the scholarly work of Donald Dixon, focusing on six of his major contributions to marketing thought and theory.


The marketing mix paradigm and the Dixonian systems perspective of marketing

Bert Rosenbloom, Boryana Dimitrova

The purpose of this paper is to present an alternative view of marketing that Donald F. Dixon spent much of his distinguished career developing – a paradigm that we refer to as…


Giving voice to marketing's intellectual heritage: Dixon's view of marketing as value creation

Stephen F. Pirog, Michael F. Smith

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate Donald F. Dixon's contribution to scholarship in clarifying two parallel streams of thought on marketing's role in value creation…


Households: a systematic unit of analysis through history

Carol Kaufman‐Scarborough

The purpose of this paper is to extend and apply the systems model of the household proposed by Dixon, his colleagues, and his students to situations in which vulnerable consumers…

Don Dixon: a scholar of marketing and gentleman of the first order

Ian Wilkinson

The purpose of this paper is to review and synthesise some of the main contributions of Donald F. Dixon to marketing theory and the history of marketing thought.


Remembering Don Dixon

Roger A. Layton

The purpose of this paper is to present memories of Don Dixon in Australia and of his outstanding contribution.


Donald F. Dixon – a true mentor

Keith Blois

The purpose of this paper is to provide an assessment of the contribution of Donald F. Dixon to the study of marketing as an academic subject.


Dixon's library: on the structuring of the marketplace and marketing practices

Mark Tadajewski

The purpose of this paper is to read a selection of Dixon's library collection in conjunction with his published work in an effort to make his book collection and research speak…


Reflections on the Dixon seminar: the development of marketing thought and theory

Eric H. Shaw

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the doctoral seminar in the history of marketing thought and theory taught by Donald F. Dixon.

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  • Dr Richard Hawkins