Career Development International: Volume 21 Issue 1


Table of contents

Job insecurity, workload and job exhaustion in temporary agency workers (TAWs): Gender differences

Marianna Giunchi, Federica Emanuel, Maria José Chambel, Chiara Ghislieri

Different studies underline that perceived job insecurity (PJI) has negative consequences at both individual and organisational level. Some authors investigated PJI in temporary…


Development idiosyncratic deals and career success

Sylvie Guerrero, Hélène Jeanblanc, Marisol Veilleux

The purpose of this paper is to rely on the sponsored-mobility perspective of career success (Turner, 1960) to explore the antecedents and consequences of development…


Burnout and the work-family interface: A two-wave study of sole and partnered working mothers

Laura D. Robinson, Christopher Magee, Peter Caputi

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether work-to-family conflict (WFC) and work-to-family enrichment (WFE) predicted burnout in working mothers using conservation of…


Mid-career as a process of discovery

Kay Maddox-Daines

The purpose of this paper is to explore the mid-career experience of female managers within a small higher education institution in the UK. It considers how managers manage “self”…


Career barriers influencing career success: A focus on academics’ perceptions and experiences

Gina Gaio Santos

Few research has addressed the factors that undermine people’s subjective perceptions of career success. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to further illuminate the issue of…


Measuring university-to-work success: development of a new scale

Marina Cardoso de Oliveira, Lucy Leal Melo-Silva, Maria do Céu Taveira, Randolph C. Grace

– The purpose of this paper is to develop a subjective multidimensional measure of early career success during university-to-work transition.

Cover of Career Development International



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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Merged from:

Executive Development


  • Dr Jennifer A. Harrison