On the Horizon: Volume 26 Issue 2


Table of contents - Special Issue: Global, International and Intercultural Education

Guest Editors: Mónica Lourenço

Graduates in/for a multicultural and globalising world

David Killick

This paper aims to question the terminology, modelling and vagueness surrounding the notion of “global citizen” and argues for the more holistic construct of global selfhood as a…


Concurrent direct assessment of foundation skills for general education

Anthony Rhodes, Maurice Danaher, Ashley Ater Kranov

There is considerable agreement around the foundation skills required by employers that will enable graduates to integrate and devise promising solutions for the challenges faced…

International terrorism as a threat to student mobility

Jakub Dostál, Martina Chalupová, Martina Černá, Martin Prokop

International terrorism affects various areas of society. This paper aims to determine whether fear of terrorism is a barrier to international student mobility based on the…

Professional development of future foreign language teachers during short-term exchanges

Christian Helmchen, Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the self-perceived influence of short-term exchanges in schools abroad on future foreign language teacher’s professionalization, regarding…


Emancipatory education and the preparation of future teachers

Eny Winarti

The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibilities and impact of emancipatory education in the preparation of future elementary school teachers.


Teacher’s feedback in teaching science in a bilingual Bruneian primary classroom

Roslinawati Roslan, Siti Munawirah Panjang, Norashikin Yusof, Masitah Shahrill

The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of feedback to students by a primary teacher teaching the science topic “Life Cycle” in a Year 5 bilingual Bruneian science…

Intercultural competence in higher education: academics’ perspectives

Susana Pinto

The purpose of this study is to diagnose and understand Portuguese academics’ perspectives on the components of intercultural competence and on the importance of its development…


Internationalisation in higher education –an internationalist perspective

Michael Byram

This paper aims to argue for the significance of internationalism for the internationalisation of higher education. It analyses some conceptualisations and definitions of…


Internationalizing teacher education curricula: opportunities for academic staff development

Mónica Lourenço

The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of a collaborative workshop, aimed to support teacher educators in embedding a “global outlook” in the curriculum on their…

Teaching in the moment: educational experience in the age of tomorrow

Christy McConnell Moroye, P. Bruce Uhrmacher

The purpose of this paper is to examine, from a curricular perspective, fresh ideas emanating from the USA that have potential to improve educational settings across the globe. As…

Cover of On the Horizon



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  • John Moravec