Journal of Product & Brand Management: Volume 11 Issue 3


Table of contents

A study of the potential effects of the conversion to euro

Pierre Desmet

Early research work confirms that the use of the new European currency, the euro, could create an effect of money illusion: expressed in euros, perceived prices seem lower and…


Price threshold and discount saturation point in Singapore

Roger Marshall, Seow Bee Leng

A study is reported, which investigated Singapore consumers’ price thresholds and saturation points for price discounts. The study shows that consumers discount the offered price…


Comparing fixed price and discounted price strategies: the role of affect on evaluations

Rajneesh Suri, Rajesh V. Manchanda, Chiranjeev S. Kohli

Price is an important variable because it has a direct impact on a company’s profitability. However, there is limited evidence to support the effectiveness of competing strategies…


Value pricing in presence of network effects

Dingkun Ge

Value pricing requires a marketer to price his/her product according to the value the product brings to its user. A product with network effects makes it difficult to assess the…

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  • Dr Cleopatra Veloutsou