Training for Quality: Volume 3 Issue 2


Table of contents

Regional review of TQM in Hong Kong and southern China

V.H.Y. Lo, D. Sculli

Reports the results of an attempt to ascertain the status of totalquality management (TQM) in Hong Kong and southern China. Begins with ageneral introduction to manufacturing in…


Maintaining the energy for commitment to quality

Richard Palmer, John P. Wilson

Seeks to examine the important role commitment plays inimplementing TQM and the interrelationship between that commitment andthe role of training. In particular, considers the…


Quality communication: a key to quality leadership

Nelda Spinks, Barron Wells

Leadership is the heart and soul of an organization. What is reallymanaged in an organization is peoplel Leadership is the ability toinspire people to work together as a team to…


The RAF method of regulation, assessment, follow‐up and continuous improvement of quality of care – summary of a decade of applied research

Rachel Fleishman

A method for the regulation, assessment, follow‐up and continuousimprovement of care in long‐term care institutions – the RAFmethod – was developed by a team of researchers at…


A TQM model for higher education and training

Samuel K. Ho, Katrina Wearn

In contemporary management in the 1990s, a strategy utilized by anincreasing number of organizations for effective change and sustainedcompetitive advantage is total quality…


Management and planning tools

Ronald P. Anjard

There are now many tools to assist in developing increased overallquality and supporting total quality management. These management toolsare now recognized as valuable – often…


Quality managers, from functional specialist to internal consultant

Matthew Hind

Quality managers must be seen to support directly the primary aimsof the business. This means that they can no longer impose change planson the business, but rather they have to…




Online date, start – end:

1993 – 1997

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

The TQM Magazine