European Journal of Marketing: Volume 24 Issue 8


Table of contents

The Brand‐naming Enigma in the Asia Pacific Context

Gael M. McDonald, C.J. Roberts

Some of the issues confronted bymarketers in determining theappropriateness of brand names in theAsia Pacific region are discussed. Morespecifically, the concern is with theimpact…

The Marketing Concept – Necessary, but Sufficient? An Environmental View

Gregory R. Elliott

The contemporary relevance of thetraditional marketing concept is asource of continuing debate asmarketers question its universalapplication across all situations. In thepast, the…


Consumer Acquisition Patterns for Durable Goods: A Rasch Analysis

Geoffrey N. Soutar, Richard C. Bell, Yvonne M. Wallis

There has been considerable researchinto the pattern of consumer durablepurchase. Most of the research hasused Guttman scaling as the basis ofthe analysis but there are…

Research Note: Marketing Budgeting Practices of Retailers

B. Ramaseshan

Given the current economic andmarketplace pressures on retailers tomaximise the productivity of theirmarketing expenditures, the marketingbudgeting practices of retailers…


Research Note: Book/Software Review: SPSS for Teaching Statistics in Marketing

Bob Armstrong, Jim Everett

Teaching statistics to marketingstudents has always been a difficult andthankless task. It is often difficult tofind an acceptable statistical softwarepackage that does not…

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  • Prof. Greg Marshall