International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 31 Issue 3


Table of contents

Socioeconomic and environmental determinants of child‐care patterns of preschoolers in Pakistan

Uzma Iram, Muhammad Sabihuddin Butt

The role of care as a critical influence on child nutrition, health, and development has received increasing attention in the last decade. While the role of care has been well…


Social economics and social capital

Joe Wallis, Paul Killerby, Brian Dollery

This paper evaluates key developments in the social capital literature over the past decade. It then examines empirical work on the purported the link between social capital and…


Rejections and the importance of first response times

Ofer H. Azar

Previous studies about the academic publishing process consider the publication delay as starting from the submission to the publishing journal. This ignores the potential delay…


Libertarianism, positive obligations and property abandonment: children's rights

Walter Block

The purpose of the present paper is to test this premise of no positive obligations against a challenging critique that can be made of it. To wit, abandonment of babies. That is…


The Taylorization of Lenin: rhetoric or reality?

Daniel A. Wren, Arthur G. Bedeian

Lenin advocated “Taylorization” (i.e. scientific management), to rebuild post‐revolutionary Russia's economy. The evidence, however, indicates that Lenin's advocacy caused…


The evolution of development economics and globalization

Ryszard Piasecki, Miron Wolnicki

The legacy of the last 50 years of development economics is not very inspiring. In the 1960s and 1970s, instead of looking at the real causes and viable solutions to poverty and…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett