Strategic Direction: Volume 23 Issue 5


Table of contents

What's your story? Corporate messages to touch the soul

Wallace Murray

Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting‐edge research and case studies.


Tie your own bow tie: How to make smart product management decisions

Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting‐edge research and case studies.


Innovation at Alpha: Short‐term thinking for success

Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting‐edge research and case studies.

“E” word that shouldn't need saying: Ethics now a buzzword for business – but why?

Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting‐edge research and case studies.


Creativity is the key: Creative thinking and forward planning are essential in the development of new growth platforms (NGPs)

Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting‐edge research and case studies.


Nothing sticks on DuPont: Making intellectual capital sweat

Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting‐edge research and case studies.


Leading people through change: How to manage your most valuable asset

Reviews three papers that focus on the people side of organizational change, bringing together advice on how to manage change effectively.


Working without boundaries: How collaboration aids innovation

Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting‐edge research and case studies.


An interview with Daniel Magid

An interview with Daniel Magid, president and CEO of Aldon and a recognized authority on enterprise software configuration and change management.


R&D efficiency: Global investment

While, many companies are continuing to pour money into research and development, perhaps the more pertinent issue they should be looking at is not how much they spend on R&D, but


Plastic electronics: World's first plastic chip plant

Looks at pioneering technology that could revolutionize the way that people interact with their media on the move has achieved a major step towards full scale commercialisation

Cover of Strategic Direction



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  • Miss Emma Steele