The Tourist Review: Volume 50 Issue 2


Table of contents

Corporate identities and tourism marketing (1)

Norbert Vanhove, P. Van Impe

The final objective of each communication action is a change in consumer behaviour. Frequently this change in attitude is translated in terms of purchases. But the change can be…

Do we need a distinction between short and long holidays?

Paul Boerjan

National holiday‐surveys have a long‐established tradition in nearly all countries of Western Europe.

Tourism marketing through the distribution channel

Jan Vidar Haukeland

This article focuses on the effectiveness of the marketing measures aimed at the Norwegian tourist industry's associates in the international sales and distribution network, i.e…

Accessibility and mobility conditions, and tourist development: The case of Southern Italy

Paolo Costa, M. Gambuzza, Mara Manente, V. Minghetti

Southern Italy (2) is a multiform and atypical system in the Italian tourist economy. According to a general image, one of its main features is the extensiveness and quality of…


Travel and tourism

Bengt Sahlberg

This article presents the results of an analysis for Swedish travel patterns during the period from 1989 to 1994. The main points dealt with include questions concerning the…

The utility pattern of tourists and the relevance of environmental quality in the choice of the destination: A conjoint approach

Stefano Dall'Aglio

Modern marketing puts the satisfaction of the customer at the center of its philosophy. Concepts like quality and value delivery, related to the supply side, find a meaning only…



Renamed to:

Tourism Review

Online date, start – end:

1946 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited