Nutrition & Food Science: Volume 98 Issue 3


Table of contents

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey: people aged 65 years and over

G. Smithers, S. Finch, W. Doyle, C. Lowe, C.J. Bates, A. Prentice, P.C. Clarke

Commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Department of Health and carried out by Social and Community Planning Research and MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit…


Food hygiene information: power to the people?

Alison Reid, Dawn Wood, David Kinney

The issues of microbial food poisoning are never far from the headlines. Of particular concern is the emergence of strains of increased virulence, for example Escherichia coli 0157


The effect of ethnicity on the benefits of ready‐to‐eat cereal consumption at breakfast

Anna Maria Siega‐Riz, Barry M. Popkin

The food pattern that includes ready‐to‐eat (RTE) cereals at breakfast is associated with important reductions in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, and increases the…


The vegan dairy

Helen Lightowler, Jill Davies

Discusses the non‐dairy alternatives to milk and dairy products. Looks at a range of products suitable for the “vegan dairy” and compares the nutrient profiles with those of…


Registered Public Health Nutritionist (RPHNutr): a new qualification in public health nutrition

David Buss

Explores the background to the launch of a new qualification in public health nutrition ‐ Registered Public Health Nutritionist (RPHNutr) ‐ in the UK. This new qualification was…


Aspects of food choice behaviour in adolescents

Pauline Jas

This article reports on two studies in which beverage consumption in adolescents was investigated. Different research methods were employed: a questionnaire was used to test the…


A summary of the meeting at a Symposium on Dietitians and Dietary Treatments for Obesity: A Move Towards Evidence‐based Practice

Mabel Blades

Outlines the programme of presentations made at the Symposium on Dietitians and Dietary Treatments for Obesity: A Move towards Evidence‐based Practice, held on 25 November 1997 at…

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  • Dr Vijay Ganji