Industrial and Commercial Training: Volume 30 Issue 5


Table of contents

Operation Turnaround ‐ executive initiative improves company performance through integrated training

Les Pickett

Describes a programme designed to overhaul training and development activities, instigated by an informal review of monthly reports which showed a generally negative trend in


Employee participation and managerial style (the key variable)

W. David Rees, Christine Porter

Employee participation is in the news because of the stakeholder concept and European legal developments. Argues that for most employees what matters is the working relationship


Training railway operating staff to understand and manage passenger and crowd behaviour

Alan W. Marsden

For anyone involved in moving large numbers of people, indeed in any aspect of crowd management, the biggest threats are ignorance of crowd behavioural dynamics and complacency


Counselling skills: Part II ‐ making sense of performance appraisal, coaching and mentoring

Allan Wright

This follow‐on article continues to explore counselling skills for managers and personnel professionals. It challenges the reader to identify the differences in approach when


The creativity advantage ‐ is your organization the leader of the pack?

Peter Cook

Success in product and service innovation depends on creativity as a key input. Without a healthy and continuing supply of ideas, most organizations would cease to exist. A

Cover of Industrial and Commercial Training



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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Siham Lekchiri
  • Dr Adriano Solidoro