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Embedding the marketing angle into the pursuit of entrepreneurial propensity: roles of perceived feasibility and desirability and stakeholders' support

Dafna Kariv (Reichman University, Herzliya, Israel)
Norris Krueger (University of Phoenix, Phoenix, Arizona, USA)
Luis Cisneros (HEC Montreal, Montreal, Canada)
Gavriella Kashy-Rosenbaum (Ashkelon Academic College, Ashkelon, Israel)

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research

ISSN: 1355-2554

Article publication date: 14 March 2023




This study endeavors to decode the propensity for entrepreneurial action by addressing the perceptions of feasibility and desirability stemming from entrepreneurs' and non-entrepreneurs’ appraisal of holding marketing capabilities; complemented by the direct and indirect effects of market stakeholders' support, assessed as bridging or buffering the entrepreneurial action.


Three groups were formed from a random sample of 1,957 Canadian (from Quebec) respondents to an online questionnaire: non-entrepreneurs with low entrepreneurial intentions, non-entrepreneurs with high entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurs with high entrepreneurial intentions.


The analyses revealed salient effects of perceptions of feasibility and desirability, coupled with appraisals of possessing marketing capabilities, on entrepreneurial propensity; and their strengthened relations when obtaining stakeholders' support. Overall, the results suggest that perceived market feasibility and market desirability are prominent factors in differentiating between entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial action, and the type and function of stakeholders' support are prominent in differentiating between intentions.

Practical implications

Practical implications include facilitating the transmission of marketing knowledge to novice entrepreneurs through higher education and the ecosystem.


The authors show that perceptions of feasibility and desirability are particularly dependent on the entrepreneur's perceived marketing capabilities and perceptions of entrepreneurial ecosystem supportiveness. This study thus captures a fuller range of the intentions–action relationship by gauging the unidimensional approach to entrepreneurial action through intertwining attributes at the individual and market levels. It takes a new look at feasibility and desirability through marketing capabilities; and offers a more robust classification of stakeholders' support—institution/people, bridging/buffering. Practical implications include facilitating the transmission of marketing knowledge to novice entrepreneurs through higher education and the ecosystem.



The authors would like to thank Réseau Mentorat for authorizing the authors to use the data from the Quebec Entrepreneurial Index for this research. The authors would also like to acknowledge the Institute for Entrepreneurship National Bank/HEC Montreal and the Adelson School of Entrepreneurship, Reichman University for their support in the research publication.


Kariv, D., Krueger, N., Cisneros, L. and Kashy-Rosenbaum, G. (2023), "Embedding the marketing angle into the pursuit of entrepreneurial propensity: roles of perceived feasibility and desirability and stakeholders' support", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.



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